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  • Writer's pictureDylan Conroy

Kristine deGuzman - Managing Director - Revere, a DJE Holdings Company

Kristine's values are leadership, authenticity, personal development, and not being an asshole. A good friend of hers who passed away in 2020 wrote in his Instagram bio, "it costs $0.00 to be a nice person," and it's a mantra she's since adopted in his honor. She believes that kindness is a rare resource that we can offer freely, generously. She built her career in the agency world, managing global teams and overseeing the execution of social media strategies and integrated campaigns for enterprise tech companies. She attributes much of her success not to her marketing prowess (though some of that too), but to Her ability to build relationships, foster connection, and give a genuine shit about the teams that she leads. She believes that teams thrive when measures of empathy are prioritized over measures of productivity, and it's her goal to create environments where everyone feels safe.

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